You know, I'm digging this family life. Tonight, I'm blogging from my phone while my love reads next to me on our front porch glider. Cider and tea on the middle table and he with a pipe. Got to love this night. Where's LD? In bed, asleep. We've got the monitor, don't panic. But you know, I am so loving this whole family life thing. The other night we had a date of sorts. I laid cushions on the living room floor and set up our new backgammon board and a candle on our side table and we played two rounds with the baby monitor on alert. It was great, just like tonight.
You see, there is this big giant warning out there (especially if you like the outdoors) that once you have kids it's all over. What is 'it'? It is freedom, whimsy, serendipity all those quixotic things. Well, the advice givers are wrong. I'm here to tell you! Wrong, wrong, wrong. We've taken LD camping, he's been to a climbing gym, and we take him hiking. I've got plans to get him on the lake (via kayak) that his great grandparents house sits on, hopes of snowshoeing next year, and finally putting up the climbing wall in his bedroom. I think A is planning on a slack line for LD too. Plus, there's disc golf. When did I have to give it all up? It does take a certain amount of either planning or "roll with it" attitude though. I'm still training for races, still climbing, still knitting, still sewing, still quilting. A is still enjoying the occasional tobacco product (seldom), beard competing, climbing, hiking, slack lining, and soon backpacking.
It's not about losing freedom, it's about making sure you maintain it. It's being conscientious and intentional with your time. Teaching your kids that family is NOT and either/or situation but an all situation. Why do I say all? Because right now, I have it all. I have an amazing son, a wonderful husband, calloused hands, and climbing gear. Because I walk through REI and I can't wait until LD can start climbing and join the local team. Because my idea of a gym membership is Pipeworks or GA, not 24hr Fitness. It can be done.