Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Catch Up

Its been a while since my last post and I apologize. Our lives got turned upside and I haven't had any spare time. Bug, I'm going to try to make some so I can continue this blog. For all 2 of you that read it. So, what have the outdoorsy parents been up to?? I don't know where we left off so I'll just start through things out there. In late August we redecorate LD's room in a national parks theme, but it's not done yet. We need to finish one wall. That wall will be covered with climbing holds. I know, he's still young. But trust me, this kid loves to climb!! So, he will get a wall full of climbing holds!!

Over the summer I decided to go to school to get my license for massage therapy and that has taken up most of my free time. So it's time to find a balance. Plus, LD has been sick. Yes, he spent some time back around Thanksgiving in the Pediatric ICU and was very sick. Then I was sick for all of December and poor A has been taking care of everything. While I prefer to stay away from the doctors as much as possible, it has been a rough road for us and the vitamin C wasn't cutting it. But, we all have little head colds right now, and vitamin C is really all we need.

Head colds? But it only just started raining. Yes, and I've been running in the rain. Trying to keep my training schedule has meant running in the rain. But with a head cold that is out of the picture for now. I may have to adapt my program to a 10k instead of a half marathon. We shall see. The running is important to our parenting. We want our kids to learn that physical fitness isn't just important, but that without it we have no lives. Without it we miss out on sunrise atop Half Dome, sunsets on El Cap, backpacking the JMT, PCT, & AT and so many more things. So running I go. Plus it's like an old friend. Its a commitment, I'm teaching my kids to honor their commitments, but accept when it is not the best option and readjust.

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