Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We have Toothage!! Much like Carthage...

Our LD bust out his first tooth last night, just days before he turns 7mo! He's getting so big, it makes me a little sad. This tooth explains the last two nights of awful sleep we've all gotten. Nothing like kicking the dog off the bed so you can sleep at the foot instead. Good thing we have such a great dog.

LD went on his first camping trip over the weekend too. It was pretty good, but got too cold for a little dude. He and I bailed while our dog and the hubs camped out. To keep LD warm enough he needed to be in my bag with me. But to have him safely in my bag I had to have it un zipped and my upper body out of the bag. No bueno. Even a down sweater couldn't keep me warm. So, we'll go again in a few months when the weather is warmer!

It seems natural to me that we incorporate our son into our lifestyle instead of changing our lifestyle. There are a lot of folks out there that frown upon the more natural parenting style and the more natural life. I don't usually seem to run into them, but I hear horror stories from other natural mamas. Pediatricians who don't approve of not vaccinating, the use of amber necklaces, making ones own baby food, breast feeding without vitamin D supplement...the list goes on. It makes me a little sad for these women. I'm not special, I'm sure my pediatrician disapproves of some things we do. He can't stand Dr. Sears, though he is a former student of his. But the only thing our pediatrician has ever said concerning our more natural approach is to remove LD's amber necklace at night when we're all asleep. I shudder to think what some other pediatrician might say about our choices. But you know, does it really matter? LD loves his homemade peas and his boob, he's well fed and loved. And that is a recurrent theme I find in the natural parenting community, well loved babies...with awesome cloth diaper prints. Most parents I've met make their choices for the same reasons, the love of their children. So let us all parent our kids in our own way. Your child might be a wiz at computers by 5, but my goal is for LD to be a wiz at nature by 5.

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