When you plan a home birth you usually get lumped into the crazy mother earth hippie category of people out there in this world. That's cool with me, I didn't mind. But in truth there was a lot of scientific reasoning behind my decision. 98% of all births in the United States do not require a hospital-the epidural is not necessary, it's a nice option though. 2% of birth require a hospital, and as it turned out my son's birth was one of those 2%. I had HELLP Syndrome at 36 weeks and it very often fatal. By the time I was induced my liver and kidneys were shutting down (hardcore shutting down, on a time table to deliver before permanent damage would be done) and my blood platelet levels were dismal. I was at risk of seizure and my son was at risk to lose everything. Luckily, I have amazing doctors and midwives . My midwives caught it early enough, my doctor had me induced as soon as she saw my blood work and my little dude and I did just fine. In fact, he was born perfectly healthy, every mothers dream. We were even able to have a fairly natural birth. I had two rounds of induction meds and that was it. My doula and husband supported me through the birth.
Which brings me to the title of this blog post. At some point during labor as I was experiencing coupling in my contractions my husband said, "just breathe through it." To which my response was something along the lines of, "Ron Kauk can breathe through it my ass." I'm pretty sure my husband then repeated himself and I likely threatened to smack him. Ron Kauk...climbing legend, and a man who has personally influenced my rock climbing technique. Back when my husband and I met (rock climbing in Yosemite National Park) we also met Ron. Ron had me on belay for some sport route and as I am afraid of heights (bad phobia for a rock climber, I know) I was struggling at some point on that route. Ron's words of wisdom, "Just breathe through it". I did, I was fine, he was stoned. Ever since its been a bit of an inside joke when faced with something that seems insurmountable (like spelling that word). It is at that moment that, my husband invoking Ron's words, that I should have known we would not be mainstream parents. We aren't anywhere near mainstream.
It's one heck of a journey being a parent, and I am often telling my son a variety of things that are important to climbing. Most parents probably wouldn't think they are important to greater scheme of life. So this is our journey of raising our son (and someday we will add to our family) our way.
You know, we are 38 weeks & 2 days today and I am wondering how our birthing experience will be. We found a Doula we really liked, but ultimately decided to do this on our own. We'll see how it goes. I have a very supportive husband and I know he will remind me to breathe through it when I am holding my breath. I'm glad you had A there to remind you of Ron's words. Its so true and that's how I have found myself working out boulder problems, keeping my balance on the slackline, climbing hills on long road rides and keeping my cool when things on backpacking trips don't go as planned. The experience we have from our outdoor exploits have made us stronger women and for that I believe I will be able to experience this birth in the presence of mind and peace that I have hoped for. So happy you and little Z are happy and healthy!