Thursday, December 27, 2012

Teething Stars and Whisky

I'm sure I'm not the first mama to think of this but is certainly entertaining. I have been looking about for those ice cube shaped cubes for liquor. The ones you throw in the freezer then put in your drink instead of ice to chill your drink without diluting it. Those. Haven't found them yet. But tonight as I sat holding a teething ring (star rather) for our little man it dawned on me: teething rings aught to work just as well!

I shot my hubs a text with my brilliant realisation and awaited the moment he would tell me I'm a sick and twisted person. It never came. Instead he told me it was a good idea. Ya buddy! Then we quickly discussed how long both our days were and that perhaps we'd share a glass of crown chilled via teething ring later after the little dude is asleep. But of course, that's after showers, daddy time, and story time. So that drink is still a few hours away.

p.s. Teething rings also make great ice packs for minor injuries. Just in case you ever need an ice pack stat and all you've got is teething rings.

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